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Removing Rubbish: Tips, Ideas and Strategies

Have too much rubbish? Tired of the broken patio bricks in the back garden, the old boxes in the attic and the dreary wallpaper in the basement? If so, you need a rubbish removal plan. Hi! My name is Roger, and this blog is going to be designed for homeowners, apartment dwellers, business owners and everyone in between. I am going to pen a range of posts related to rubbish removal and other topics tied to home improvement and design. While I plan to do most of the writing myself, I may invite guests, friends or experts to post as well. For now, grab a refreshing beverage, get comfortable and explore my posts.

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Removing Rubbish: Tips, Ideas and Strategies

Why recycling paper is important for your home

by Gwendolyn Washington

One of the most commonly used products in the home is paper. From paper dishes to books and printers, the average home uses tonnes of paper in a single year. However, many people make the mistake of simply dumping their paper waste into garbage bins for disposal.

Failing to recycle paper can cost your home and the environment. Did you know that just one tonne of paper can save as many as 15 trees and 26,000 litres of water? So before you throw away that piece of paper in the trash, think of placing it in a recycling bin.

Recycling paper will benefit your home in the following ways.

1. Eases pressure on landfills and reduces garbage disposal costs

Paper is the most common waste product in homes. In fact, paper waste makes up a big chunk of landfills around the country. With landfill space becoming more limited by the day, rubbish removal companies have to charge more to offset their higher garbage disposal costs.

By recycling paper, you can reduce the cost of your rubbish removal services. Rather than paper ending up in landfills, it can be recycled to create pulp, furniture and many other important items.

2. Results in a wider range of products in the market

Because paper can be recycled into many different household items, you will have many more options while shopping. Recycled paper exerts less of a toll on limited resources and allows manufacturers to expand the production process. Recycled paper can be used to make any of the following products.

  • Toilet paper
  • Paper cups, plates and cutlery
  • Napkins
  • Birthday cards
  • Printing paper

3. Enjoy energy savings in the home

Recycled paper costs less to manufacture than creating paper products from trees and plants. With less energy spent on manufacturing paper products, demand for energy consumption will be lower, and you will enjoy lower energy costs in the home.

If manufacturing plants exert less pressure on the grid, normal households won't have to compete for limited energy resources, thus enjoying lower utility bills. Think about that the next time you throw away a stack of paper into the garbage bin.

4. Reduce your carbon footprint

When large amounts of paper waste are dumped into landfills, they decompose and release methane and carbon dioxide. These two greenhouse gases contribute to climate change by trapping heat in the atmosphere.

Each home that dumps paper into landfills contributes to the accumulation of these greenhouse gases. If you love the environment, play your part in keeping paper out of landfills.
